Isporuka robe

Kupljenu robu isporučujemo Vam u roku od 5 radnih dana

Isporuku robe vršimo sopstvenim vozilom (do 140 kg), putem kurirskih službi (do 140 kg) ili ličnim preuzimanjem kod nas u magacinu.

Za isporuku gabaritne robe tražite našu specijalnu ponudu.

Akcijske cene ne sadrže troškove prevoza.

TC 190 | Lilla promotional cooler

TC 190 | Lilla promotional cooler

The TC 190 Lilla promotional cooler case has returned with a redesigned design, expanded features, state-of-the-art technology and even better quality. The shape of the showcase became clearer and more elegant. The upper edges have been rounded. Aluminum moldings make it unique. It has become a single space, making it more suitable for storing its larger products. Glass shelves make the products stored in them look more beautiful and transparent.

The cooler is equipped with 2 pcs shelf(ves), stucco aluminium is exteriour and interiour, digital temperature control, dynamic cooling, internal LED lighting.

The cooler is a premium Hungarian product.

Product details:

In stock Counter top display cabinets > Counter top display cabinets > Cooling technology

Net price 132 500,00 RSD

Gross price 159 000,00 RSD


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