Isporuku robe vršimo sopstvenim vozilom (do 140 kg), putem kurirskih službi (do 140 kg) ili ličnim preuzimanjem kod nas u magacinu.
Za isporuku gabaritne robe tražite našu specijalnu ponudu.
Akcijske cene ne sadrže troškove prevoza.
The PYGMY 25 / K EXCLUSIVE wine tap is equipped with built-in air compressor, drip trays, professional cooling and dispensing. The wine cooler has a stainless steel look and stainless steel pin and upper handle. We recommend to cool white or rose (cooled branch) and red wine (unclothed branch). After cooling the kettle 2 to 4 minutes, cool wine can be drained.
Net price 112 456,21 RSD
Gross price 134 947,45 RSD