Dostava je besplatna za frižidere do 400 litara na celoj teritoriji Srbije. Isporuku vršimo kurirskom službom u roku od 3 do 7 radnih dana.
Za isporuku gabaritne robe tražite našu specijalnu ponudu.
Akcijske cene ne sadrže troškove prevoza.
The GGU 1800 - Under counter refrigerator with a gross 143 litre, static cooling system (SuperFrost function). Lockup HardLine full door which automatically close and the direction of opening can be reversed and the door insulation inside is hygienic and interchangeable. The controls are working mechanically. Digital temperature display. On the outside there is a white powder coated steel cover, on the inside there is a one-piece polystyrene (environmentally friendly) interior cover. Inside the refrigerator there are 3 refrigerated shelves plus a evaporator grid. The each shelves load capacity of up to 24 kg. Defrosting is manually.
The GGU 1800 - Under counter refrigerator can be combined with the FKUv 1610 and FKUv 1613 cooler.
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