Dostava je besplatna za frižidere do 400 litara na celoj teritoriji Srbije. Isporuku vršimo kurirskom službom u roku od 3 do 7 radnih dana.
Za isporuku gabaritne robe tražite našu specijalnu ponudu.
Akcijske cene ne sadrže troškove prevoza.
Solid door freezer 3 shelves. Ventilated refrigeration. New design for equal temperature distribution. Polyurethane insulation. Digital controller with easy read screen. Ergonomic door and handle designed for ease of opening and cleaning. Icecool refrigeration system designed to be most tecnologically advanced and energy efficient yet. Hot gas defrost system. Waste heat recovery condensate vaporiser system.
Designed to operate in +43°C ambient %65 humidity!
The cooling range is authoritative at an ambient temperature of 43°C for consumption.
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