Dostava je besplatna za frižidere do 400 litara na celoj teritoriji Srbije. Isporuku vršimo kurirskom službom u roku od 3 do 7 radnih dana.
Za isporuku gabaritne robe tražite našu specijalnu ponudu.
Akcijske cene ne sadrže troškove prevoza.
The freezer is equipped with digital temperature control, inox exterior, solid door, static cooling, digital thermostat, handle, 3 pcs wired basket, 1 pcs plastic basket, adjustable feet, lock, left or right door opening.
Width with open door: 64 cm
Depth with open doors without handles: 117 cm
Internal width: 47 cm
Cord Length: 160 cm
Consumption: 264 kWh / year
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