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AS-160 Inox Tropical - Potpultna točilica

AS-160 Inox Tropical - Potpultna točilica

The AS-160 INOX TROPICAL Beer cooler is designed for professional cooling in large restaurants and catering facilities and for extreme tropical conditions. It has extra insulation (including top lid) of 45mm.
The  unit  can  work  in  ambient  temperature up to 45°C.

This  machine  has  a  pump  with displacement  of  8m, thanks  to  which the cooler may be situated in the cellar keeping the beverage chilled all the way to the tap. The  frame and cooling coils are made  of stainless  steel.
Simple to use push-in  fittings  on  top  of the  cooler  ensure  easy  connection  to  the  beverage supply.
The modern compressor cooling unit uses the power input for direct transfer to chilling, which guarantees minimum energy usage and excellent chilled beer.
The cooling technology is 45% more efficient than its power input.

The materials used meet the highest requirements for hygiene standards and guarantee a long working life of this cooler.

Osnovne karakteristike

  • Spoljne dimenzije: 690 x 450 x 450 mm
  • Depozit leda: 10-30 kg
  • Broj spirala: 4 kom
  • Kapacitet kompresora: ¾ Hp
  • Napon: 220-240 V
  • Gas: R134a
  • Težina: 49 kg
  • Struja: 5 A
  • Kapacitet: 1155 W
  • Kapacitet depozita: 160 lit/čas
  • Zapremina rezervoara: 45 litar
In stock Potpultne točilice > Stone, potpultne točilice i dodatna oprema za pivo

Cena bez pdv 154 372,74 RSD

Cena sa pdv 185 247,29 RSD


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